All Occasion's (Private Functions Only)

Package 1 - $450.00 (Base 3 Hours) Strictly Karaoke/DJ
$100.00 Each additional hour 

Advanced Reservations Required
Holidays Are Not Included In Above Pricing (Call or Email For A Quote)

Non-Smoking Venues
(Bars / Lounges / Restaurants)

$300.00 For 6 Hours
$75.00 Each Additional Hour
Or 20% of gross sales of all food and drinks
Including gamers comps          (No Set Time Limit)

Smoking Venues
(Bars / Lounges / Restaurants)

$300.00 For 5 Hours
$100.00 Each additional hour
Or 30% of gross sales of all food and drinks
Including gamers comps         (No Set Time Limit)

Q: Why do you charge more for a smoking venue?
A: Smoking venues cause severe damage and wear to all equipment and requires multiple hours to clean after every show. 

By opting for the % vs. the flat rate, there will be no set # of hours and we will work hard together to fill your establishment. WIN/WIN


Requires A Non-Refundable 25% Deposit